Wednesday, January 27, 2010

shopping la!

phew! came back from shopping today. had been shopping lately for CNY at bugis.. i think it's the only place i know for bargaining the prices with the boss and enjoy discounted price at my friend's wife's stall =D

bought a denim leggings! <3 i had been wanting to own a leggings since dunno when and now i finally found it (tsk... with bargained price too) !! looks like those normal jeans but it hugs tightly to my skin.. not very used to body con la. and then i bought a jacket the same as jiana, a very high waist trousers and a dress (discounted again)... will post the photos of me in these one day hehe! really satisfied w e cny buyings :P

OH oh.. did i mention how long had i been holding back to shop?? like months!!! MONTHS! in the past i used to shop every month ok.. so can u imagine i havent been shopping for the past months, trying to hold back from spendin $$ and i even need to accompany friends and SEE them SHOP. so itchy lorh. now i finally had e excuse to shop for cny with a lil of my pay... so poor thing hor. =(
oh ya and i still owe some ppl $$.... dont worry k.. i'll return em back to u guys before cny, after i got my pay.

so wad's jiana's carplate huh? mayb i can return the $$ easily after i tio.. HAHAHAHA.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Drive Safely!

"Please do take care of yourself while you’re at Aus. Stay away from danger, eat regularly, drive safely............"

one day later after i wrote the letter to Jiana, she was alrd not driving safely at Aus. LOLS. i think she need to practice more on driving!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Looney FB

i'm trying to upload our video at facebook for umpteen times but i just couldnt get it done.... so infuriating!!!

Stupid FB!


Just saw this girl for one last time before we get to see her again after a year in Australia. intended to send her at the airport but she and her mum refuses to tell us the departure time so no choice angelis and i went down to her hse before she leaves to the airport. chatted a while and gave her hugs =)

i feel like crying while saying goodbye to her... we always hang out as a grp - her, sueann, angelis and i - we went out shopping, chilling, clubbing, gossiping, travelling and stuff. we always had our time laughing our heads off and kept each other company. with her ard, thr's bound to have laughter. now tt she's leaving to begin a new phase of her life, our grp will be short of 1 person tt can never be replaced. i'm gonna miss her so much!!

here's what i wrote for her:

Dearest Lao Gao:

I will miss you…

Miss hearing your laughter
Miss squabbling with you (verbally)
Miss calling you Lao Gao
Miss teasing and making fun of you
Miss hearing you swear “妈的!!” and slamming the table lol
Miss hanging out together
Miss you calling me ah gao
Miss the gossips sessions
Miss celebrating birthdays together

Can’t believe you’re flying off tonight!! Never in my life did my closest friends left to a faraway country for such long period, so yeah… it feels so surreal. As you already know, we wanted to send you off at airport but your lips are sealed, so was your mum’s haha. Angelis and I had made a video specially for you, and Sueann wrote you a letter. Here I am writing to you too, cos’ there’s words yet to be spoken :)

Please do take care of yourself while you’re at Aus. Stay away from danger, eat regularly, drive safely, and try to make friends around (I believe you will) so as to enrich your stay there. Don’t forget to play while working hard for your studies cos’ all work no play makes U a dull lady! Oh, hope you can get a BF too - that’s what adds a tinge of romance and fun in your life, anyway… it’s been a long while since you tasted love, so when fate and destiny arrive at your doorstep, don’t reject ok!!!! Don’t be too picky ah! I will be damn happy for you!

Forget us not and must remember to keep us updated of your life there! Lets jiayou together for our studies!!! Happy CNY in advance to you and your family and see you app. In 1 year’s time!!

It’s a goodbye but it’s not the end…

the vid i mentioned thr was made by angelis and i.. i'm not gonna upload it here cos thr's a lot of hideous photos inside so yeah.. only for the 7 sisters to view =P

so Bon voyage Jiana..... i hope u have the time of your life there

Thursday, January 07, 2010

girl molested by 4 guys part 2

oh so the "girl" molested by 4 guys is actually a shemale.

...................... i feel like kanna cheated.

CHEY!!!! if in this case i'm not really bothered about it. those trans so qiao one. mayb "she" was feeling sexually aroused secrectly inside?? hohohoho.

wadever. the indians/bangalahs still disgust me tho.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Bikini Girl Molested by 4 Guys

i'm sure some of u saw the news about a girl molested by 4 guys at the sentosa countdown party.

watch it on youtube here:

my comments on this issue are:

1) nobody wanted to help her probably they think she's just some attention-seeking whore,

2) those onlookers who took the vids down prob thought that this is what she wants - by making a scene to grab some attention yo!

3) r those molesters bangalahs?!?!?!?!!?!?! fucking gross!

4) can see in the vid that she's trying to get away..!

5) even if these ppl wldnt dare to help her from the molesters, they shld at least pull her down n save her from the "crossed the border line" gropers. did u see how one of em grope her neh neh???!!! omg. there r 8 balls to kick altogether.

6) thr r like a crowd beneath the stage, so if they want some live action towards these 4 guys, i'm sure there is nothing to fear of standing up for the girl and the perverts will feel sorry about it. but seems like most of the crowd thr r perverts too, cos only perverts will enjoy looking at perverts doing perverted stuff.

7) i'm sure there r girls nearby who witness this incident. mayb it's not shown in the vid, but how can u just stand thr without lending a hand to e girl and disregard this matter and join in the fun of recording the whole process down?? what if u r the one who are being molested or worst, raped but nobody nearby care about helping or saving you, and even mockingly record e vids down?? what's wrong w these ppl??? ridiculous!!

8) some ppl even commented that she deserved it.. what. ur heart made of stone issit?! or actually, u horny ppl wanted to have a go with tt girl as well???

.......... i think tt's all for my comments for now. what's ur say?

persoanlly, i feel a connection to this news bcos i was molested before too. i'm sure so do alot of my female frens la. some girls wld react to it almost immediately, but i think most of us will appear lost and shock for a moment before rationalizing what to do next or before we cld gather our thoughts. by then, it was too late. regarding to that video, tt girl must be lost while trying to find ways to get outta it. worse is that nobody helped her at all. 'm so ashamed of singaporeans!! zzz

oh i feel a bit scary too cos in e 1st place i wanted to go to sentosa as well for e countdown. but...... i dont think i wld dare to expose my bikini?? dunno la. cos if exposing it will meant inviting molesters like em. budden, i dont have a fab bod too. so mayb i wont attract molesters?? LOL

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Happy 10th yr Anniversary!

In a blink of an eye and 10 years passed just like that.
From secondary 1 till now, the friendship between us grew stronger each yr as we experienced fun and laughter, tears and sadness, pain and anger throughout this long and memorable period.

** every gap is patched with forgiveness
every smile is bestowed with genuine bliss
every moment is so precious that we treasure it so sincerely
the bond that ties us in
instilled deep-rooted in our heart
and with faith to our friendship
we will never be apart! :) **

i'm so glad that we made it this far, and may there be more anniversaries to come for our long-lasting friendship until eternity. to my sisters: Angelis, Bee lye, Michelle, Jiana, Jiani, Sueann, Zhiyi.. CHEERS!!!

** this poem is actually written by me, yes.. me. took me quite sometime to write it down lorh! so got xing rite? teehehe ;)

ok i'm actually being very brief on the above dedication for this 10th yr anni to my dear friends, but but my head is empty for now after offering the words to the poem =X
so now, may i present to you some photos of my 7 sisters (even the search of e photos took me a while cos thr's not much of it in my lappie)

ermm cos i dont hav e sec sch photos here. so these photos r actually from the gatherings we attended in the past heh. enjoy!

2008 class gathering

outing w some of them

a trip back to sch to visit our teachers

chi new yr 2008

haha! ann's head is flattened

neoprints. as u can see v hard to squeeze in all's heads lols

another one


i wana meetup with these sweeties again soon!!