Memory: the mental capacity or faculty of retaining and reviving facts, events, impressions, etc., or of recalling or recognizing previous experiences.
I love and hate memories. Love it because some memories of the past are so beautiful and significant, or something i described as sentimental and nostalgic. It is impossible to forget.. yet, sometimes i wished i had the ability to erase part of my memories, so that it no longer reminds me.. so tt i wouldnt recall at all. However lovely some part of my memory is.. today, it remains painful to me.
We all know that memories belongs to the past. The fact tt it is a past and it will never happen the same way it did again. Even if we do come across the same scenario tt happens to be in your memory, i doubt it feels the same as before... It's either maybe you'll feel better, or not.
At times, i wondered to myself.. whether the few ppl whom i had came across their life ever had memories of me at all. Whether they had thought of me... or got reminded of me of some things they do.. or any events they recalled with me inside.... just the way i do as my memories with them materialized automotically in my mind. As their life goes on.. am i forgotten??
No matter how forgetful i am.. i do rmb the things, rmb them.
What about you..? Remember me?
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