Monday, August 17, 2009

Deprived from tranquility

Three lessons worth of strain, worries, and a dose of gloominess.
I spent the last few days thinking what should be the best for me.. then dwelling on the fact tt I had made a huge mistake for the impulsive decision that cannot be undone, only to be corrected or persisted.

Have to admit tt this is gonna be a challenge to me. Already took one step forward but I did not embraced it eagerly.. had consulted a few close of friends of mine on this issue, everyone of them told me to hang on there, give it a shot first. I know this very well deep in my heart, however it's the dark shadow of resignation tt clouded over my rationalization that i've lost a state of mind to reason it out. Now tt with their help, I know what i should be doing now. though i still cant help feeling the dread....

I'll do my best at this moment, and i wish i can get through it..

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