Monday, September 28, 2009

The fists tt couldnt release

everytime i think back, it's like a dream come true.
a sweet dream that slips in when u fall unconsciously into a nap, and when you woke up, you realized that it follows you for an agonizing period of time.
or i could describe it like a dream u woke up from too abruptly, leaving a mysterious trail of ending.

however, there is no dream i cld escaped from; it is the reality. i'm in this vicious cycle, and i have been in a while that i gotta stop this myself. everytime i stepped in i feel so silly and dumb, but i was happy back then, however my happiness always dont last. i wondered y so often, y issit tt i always got into this shit and how many times am i capable to get myself out again. y issit tt this kinda thing always happened to me, y this y that. i jus dont understand.

i'm so tired from thinking and understanding.
i jus dont wanna care anymore.......................................

but the fists wldnt release.

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