Monday, July 12, 2010

along these 9988776 days

it's been like 9988776 days since i updated my blog. i know i know... but i've been either very busy or very lazy!!! haha

bcos of the prolonged period of the emptiness of e blog, i'm in a lost of whr to start for the fresh entry. let's just start with the most recent updates!

sat, 2 weeks ago - ann asked me to join her colleagues for laserquest at CDANS! i still rmb vividly the 1st time i went there. it was i think 2 years ago? when i just joined CPF and they had these inter-department activities. since i was newbie, i decided to be proactive! but i didnt really fare well back then, i suck at aiming at the enemies and suck at defending myself as well!!

but it was a nice game tt day!! even tho i dunno most of her colleagues thr, but they're fun! and we're the top team yo! got the highest score of shooting at other teams! dont play play hor! the game ended off with a small fumble: i freaking fell down and injured myself!! the other team members got freaked out but i was fine la, didnt cry or made a fuss and i continued playing!! haha.

the bruises after the clumsy fell down:

look!! i even got a heart-shape look alike bruise! lmao

terribly painful when i wash them with water. and the pain last for weeks!! arghhh. results of wearing non-friction covered shoes la!

in return, i invited sueann along to the event of the re-opening of cafe del mar! i bet we're suppose to have an enjoyable time there but bcos we rch thr way too late, free flow drinks and food is over and so are the other entertainments such as tattoos and tarot reading! wad a pity la!

saw rozz and shan wee from 98.7fm thr too. SHAN WEE IS SO CUTE!!!!!!! omg. so tall and stunning eyes. wee-weet~ wonder is he's attached now?? haha... i wonder onli ok.. WONDER. and rozz still look as cool.

went to sing k after tt at peace center. CHEAP! shall go thr again!

sat, 3 weeks ago- zouk with stef and joel's friends. crazy night!

if u guys notice my fb status, tt was the night where the guys have some issue with the bouncers thr. hate the bouncers at zouk!!!

anws, jus in case u're wondering y i have the time n mood to blog... its becos now i'm having my study break and i MIGHT have nothing to do for the rest of the break till the next module starts!!! we're given a chance to vote against the assignments, cool! lets hope majority of my classmate vote against so that we can abolish the assignmts!! weeee!!!!

dont hope for my next update soon...haha
i'll try ok!

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