Sunday, November 15, 2009


EXAM OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

could not have say anymore but negligence for this blog just by the looks of it haha. yeah yeah.. i do hav stuff to write on but i'm jus too busy over my assignments and preparation for my exam and, yea, too busy slacking (which means i'm jus plain lazy lar) opps haha.

btw. i'm still having a bit of insomnia. rushing through assignments throughout the day still keeps me awake in my sleep, and it's like i only get to sleep some moment after the dawn breaks in. seriously, what happened to me?!?!! i used to sleep b4 11pm and wakes up at 10am. now, i miss my breakfast and only wakes up at 12pm to 1pm. damn.... this is so unhealthy!

but peeps, another piece of good news here. it might not be for u anws, it's for myself.
I haven't been clubbing for like a month!!! weeee *applauds to myself haha. =) any encouragements frm u guys? =P

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